Monday, February 7, 2011

Sammy and Us

I'm Elizabeth and this is me with my very attractive husband, Mikey.

We're the proud owners of the best dog in the world. My sister informs me that I'm slowly turning into the weird dog lady but I think I'm okay with that. Sammy May is our black labradoodle and she is so stinking funny... well, I should say stinking and funny. Her farts are so pungent they sting the nostrils and usually make my eyes water. Cute, huh?

Every morning Sammy and I go on a walk together. We try and find things for her to carry, because if she has a job to do she won't pull on her leash- that's what the "Daily Dog Walks" list is about. And that's about all this blog has going for it as of now, so welcome and thanks for reading!


  1. Sammy is the cutest black grand-daughter we have and we love having her come over to the house. It's not bad having Mikey and Elizabeth come too!

  2. hahaha loving rich's comment. your blog is darling elizabeth.

  3. haha this was the best post ever! It honestly reminded me exactly of our (kindof)puppy Zulu...especially the stinking part!! Those things clear the room!
    Cute blog!

  4. Liz, I love the daily things your dog finds! What a cutie.
